Please join us April 6th for a gardening workshop in the Cornucopia Garden educational area for a hands on approach to composting, vermiculture techniques and edible landscaping. The event starts at 10am under the shade trees. There will be prizes, refreshments and educational discussions about how to grow your own.
We've been building large compost berms in preparation for this event in conjunction with the City of Ventura's environmental sustainability department and AWAKE Community. Ventura City Corps volunteers have helped in the gardens as well. This is truly a community effort to green Ventura through shared effort and resources.
So put this event on your calendar. It's a great opportunity to meet your local gardeners, get a coupon for a compost bin or a water collection barrel, and learn more about good earth building practices. Cornucopia Gardens is located on Telephone Road between Johnson Drive and Ramelli Ave.
See you there!
City of Ventura Environmental Sustainability
AWAKE Community
Ventura City Corps
Cornucopia Gardens