Thursday, July 21, 2011

Planting Seeds Late Summer San Diego's mid-summer and your San Diego garden is hopefully blossoming and bearing the fruits of your spring planting. Now is a perfect time to ask...What seeds should we start for late summer planting? I suggest:

Pole Beans (straight in the garden in any open spot you have)
Corn (same, plant in bunches, because they pollinate and grow better in groups)
Squash (start indoors, and transplant in hills of dirt)
Cucumbers (same)

Farmer's Almanac suggests these days in early August for planting:
Good Days For Planting Aboveground Crops. Excellent For Sowing Grains, Winter Wheat, Oats, And Rye. Plant Flowers.
Plant Peas, Beans, Tomatoes, Peppers And Other Aboveground Crops, In Southern Florida, California, And Texas. Extra Good For Leafy Vegetables. Plant Seedbeds.

Full Moon: August 13th

Happy Planting!